Stigma Stories: My Quarter Life Crisis + Intro to Therapy

Stigma Stories: My Quarter Life Crisis + Intro to Therapy

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About Madi Lamb


In her mid-twenties, Madi felt the uncertainty many young adults face — wondering about her career path, where to settle, and how to find her people. So she created a social club Quarter Life Club that connects and supports twentysomethings that are navigating the same questions. She thrives on building meaningful connections and providing a welcoming space for others to do the same.



When did you first realize that you were experiencing a "quarter-life crisis"?


When I was 25, I felt like I was living a life that was making me *mildly* happy. Things were easy, but I felt like I was just following the motions and not listening to what I actually wanted. So I made some dramatic life changes, including ending a relationship, moving to NYC and starting a job in a new field. 


Can you describe what that was like and the feelings you experienced during that time? How did it impact your overall well-being?


I enjoy change, so I was very excited to move and for the new experiences that would come with it. But about 6 months into living in NYC, the honeymoon stage wore off and I realized "oh sh*t I just changed everything about my life, this is hard, and I'm 1,000 miles away from home." 

So I started seeing a therapist, and she helped me understand that these "quarter life" feelings are very normal. In our mid-twenties, we're independently deciding who we are and what we want, which is freeing, but it can also cause a lot of anxiety, doubt and uncertainty. My therapist helped me identify the life I wanted, then empowered me to live it!


What were some of the factors that made you hesitant to explore therapy during this time? Did any specific fears or misconceptions hold you back?


It took a little "therapist dating" to find the right fit. But once I knew I found the one, I was actually very excited to dive into therapy. 

One misconception I had was that every session had to be about something intense. I hesitated bringing up "light" issues to not waste our time together, but I quickly realized that light things may not be so light after all, and you can uncover a lot about yourself by how you respond to smaller day-to-day issues! 


What lessons/advice have you learned in your twenties?


  1. It's normal to have growing pains in your twenties! 
  2. Being my true authentic self opened up incredible opportunities, both personally and professionally. Release the fear of other people judging you, and live how you want to live! 
  3. Therapy is for everyone, no matter how big or small your feelings are. I recommend asking friends for therapy referrals (or DMing me @qtrlifeclub!).


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